They are benign tumors of the cystic structure filled with a gel-like fluid that protrudes over the joint capsule, tendon or tendon sheath. It is the most common benign tumor of the hand. It is usually seen in women between the ages of 20-40 and more. It forms in a single cyst and usually emerges in the wrist and at certain places in the hand, but can be located in almost any joint of the hand and wrist. The ganglion may occur on the dorsal ganglion of the wrist, the inner face of the wrist (volar ganglion), the proximal part of the palm (volar retinacular ganglion), and the extremity joints of the fingers in standing order.
There is no definite reason. May occur as a result of repeated minor traumas. The patient is not directly related to his / her profession. It may develop suddenly or slowly develop within months. Patients usually consult a physician because of swelling. Swelling may decrease with rest and increase with activity. Sometimes the cyst bursts away completely. Overgrowing cysts can cause pain during joint movements. These cysts are not malignant, they do not spread to other regions.