All kinds of activities and protection reflex in the hand or upper extremities are the most exposed organ to burn injuries in burn accidents. Almost all of the burn cases have more or less burn injuries to the hands…

Syndactyly means that two or more fingers are stuck together. When the hands and feet are first formed during pregnancy, all fingers are stuck together. The fingers are separated from each other as a result of the regression of…

Polydactyly can be examined under two main headings: overfingers or underdeveloped overfingers (mostly skin extensions) that are fully formed according to the size of the excess finger. Thumb polydactyly occurs in 8 per 100,000 live births. Although the excess…

It is possible to use the second toe instead of the thumb as an alternative to the hand-to-hand transplantation. In addition, in some patients, the thumb may be in place of the other four fingers as a fifth finger.…

01 Thumb Creating – Pollicization 02 Extra Finger – Polydactyly 03 Webbed Fingers – Syndactyly

An important part of hand injuries are tendon incisions. Flexor tendons of fingers and extensor tendons are affected on incisions on volar side of hands and wrists. After tendon incisions, primary repair, secondary repair, 2-stage tendon reconstruction or grafting…

Nerves are the transmission systems that enable the messages coming from the brain to carry signals to various parts of the human body and deliver the warnings from various parts of the body to the brain. The nerves contain…

The fingertip is the part of the hand that is used to perform all the functions of the hand and is most exposed to external factors. At the fingertip there is a very nerve end that collects sensory impulses.…

There are ligaments providing stabilization on both sides of the finger joints. Collateral ligaments. An injury called skier's thumb (Skier Başs thumb or Gamekeeper’s thumb) is caused by damage to the collateral ligaments located on the base of the…

Hand Anatomy: Hand; The forearm bones consist of radius and ulna, wrist joint and small carpal bones consisting of 8 bones in 2 rows, 5 comb bones and 14 finger bones. The nerves coming out of the cervical spinal…